This popularity is determined by the total number of backlinks and their quality. Websites with a higher AR score generally have more backlinks of higher quality and are thus considered more popular. Referring Domains (RD): Referring Domains is the total number of unique domains that link to a website. Because it reflects the diversity of a website's backlink profile, this is an important metric. Search engines see a website with a large number of Referring.
Domains and a varied backlink profile as more reliable. Organic Traffic (OT): Organic USA Student Phone Number List Traffic is the total number of visitors a website receives from organic searches. This is also an important metric because it reflects the effectiveness of a website's SEO strategy. Websites with more organic traffic generally have better search results. Backlink Profile: Ahrefs also offers extensive backlink analysis features.

These help you determine how high-quality and relevant backlinks to a website are. of backlinks, the quality of the backlinks and the relevance of the websites linking to your site. Ahrefs uses the above metrics to determine the value of a website. In this way, it helps SEO experts identify strengths and weaknesses of websites. It is important to remember that these metrics are only an indication of the value of a website. Do you want to be able to draw reliable conclusions about the overall performance of your website? Then also examine other factors, such as the quality of the content and the user-friendliness of your website.