terms of use. 75. WhatHappens If A Disputed Claim Is Left In Your Queue For More Than 30 Days?Nothing happens since a claim may indefinitely sit in the queue. Claim isreleased. Claim is extended for 30 more days. Claim defaults to Block and thencan be appealed. 76. Imagine A Copyright Takedown Notice Was Mistakenly IssuedFor Content Uploaded To YouTube. Which Party May Retract The Notice? The personwho uploaded the video It’s not possible to retract the notice 3rd partyarbitrator for copyright claims The one that originally submitted the notice77. A User Disputes A Claim, Citing Fair Use/Dealing Guidelines. What HappensIf You Select “Release” The claim becomes pending untilthe user responds The claim is set to inactive and your Italy WhatsApp Number Data match policy isn’tapplied The claim is released and the policy changes to “Track”? The claimmoves to the “Released Claims”? queue 78. What Happens If YouTube’s SystemDetects A Low Confidence Match? The claim is released but may be reinstatedafter 30 days. The match policy is applied unless it is Monetize. Thecorresponding reference file is classified as pending. The claim is routed forreview by the content owner. 79. Which Accurately Describes How CopyrightApplies To A Remix Or Mashup? These are protected by fair use, so you don’tneed permission from the original content creators. These have not 
been defined undercurrent copyright law, so it’s unclear. These are considered original works, soyou would own the copyright. These can be considered derivative works under thelaw, and you may need permission from the original content creators. 80. WhileReviewing Disputes, You See A Disputed Claim From An Uploader Who Has ObtainedA Valid License. What Should You Do? Release the claim Release the claim andexclude the segment from matching Reinstate the claim Takedown 81. Which Of TheFollowing Is A Factor When U.S. Courts Analyze Fair Use? Name of the originalcreator included on screen Addition of a link to original content in themetadata Inclusion of a disclaimer to