meet it. According to a global survey we conducted of 1,200IT leaders, employee experience is mission critical, with 86% of executivessurveyed recognizing that employee experience has a “very positive impact” onROI. If there's one thing we can learn from the shift to hybrid work models,it's that the way we work is constantly evolving. Expectations have changed.The systems of yesteryear are no longer optimized for today's conditions. between teams, many companies arereinvesting in tools and software, which helps improve the employee experience.In this report Here are five takeaways from our study, be sure to read the fullreport: 1. When it comes to EX, the question of responsibility is centralNearly half
of the IT leaders we surveyed admit that “no one reallycares” about employee experience, indicating Chinese Australia Phone Number List gaps in clear accountability orstrategic direction in this area. This lack of visibility into operationscreates blind spots, for example on the disparity of systems performing similarfunctions and which could be grouped together. 2. It's Hard to Avoid SilosCompletely, But the Right Tools Can Help The first step to removing barriers isto address the root causes of workplace silos, such as competition betweenteams and lack of communication. We all know what it's like to wander from onesmoky portal to another and scroll through email chains to find answers. Tofoster better communication, it is essential that employees have the tools theyneed to easily and directly connect to HR and IT departments. 3. IT leadersplay an important role in EX buy-in IT leaders understand the role they play inimproving the employee experience. In fact, those we surveyed consider thatthere are many areas for improvement: 86%
of them recognize that their teams are an integral part ofthe development of EX in their organization, while 85% consider that it wouldbe helpful to implement a single solution that meets the needs of multipledepartments. This will provide IT leaders with in-depth knowledge of thecomplex ecosystem of their business systems and integrations and betterunderstand the impact of introducing new tools or processes. 4. When it comesto EX, sometimes you have to step back to jump better Although some studiessuggest that employee satisfaction could see a sharp decline in 2024, companiesthat act now can ensure positive experiences leading to better results. Theseactions may include a thorough analysis of employee needs, investing in moderntools to