Product testing External checks they allow us to know what actions a user carries out, but not the reasons why they are carried out AB Test consists of making two exactly the same designs in which only what you want to test is modified for example, the download button in green or blue and verifying which of the two options has generated better results. Heat Maps or what is the same, heat maps. They are maps in which the places where our users look for the longest and the places where they look the least are represented using colors.
Generally the colors used range from red, to represent those areas where users look for Bulgaria Phone Number List a longer time, to blue, to represent those that do not capture their attention, passing through orange for the fields that have moderate attention, yellow for those that They do it with medium attention and green for those to whom the user pays low attention. on our page or what options our users tend to click on. This will allow us to know, for example, where we should place the button that leads our users to perform the action that most benefits us. . UI USER INTERFACE UI The acronym UI comes from the English concept User Interface , which in Spanish means Interface Design.
It focuses on everything related to what our user sees on the screen rather than on the experience they experience when interacting with what they are observing. In other words, to evaluate a users experience when interacting with something, such as our interface, there has to be something to interact with this is what the User Interface is responsible for. It should be noted that the UI, rather than focusing on the aesthetic part of our site, such as the colors, shapes and fonts that we will use, the style that we will use, the images to include, etc., does so on the distribution of the elements that will make up the site. our website where can we get the header?