Longer entitled to sick pay and received sickness benefit. On January , , the doctor declared that Teresa was still incapable of work and issued her another L - from January to . There was no break between one dismissal and the next, so the incapacity for work is in one benefit period, which is why Teresa is still entitled to sickness benefits from January to . If Teresa was given a second leave of absence from January , there would be a break in the continuity of her incapacity.
Then, for the period from January to , the employer would pay her sick pay from the limit for , in accordance with the principle Sickness benefit and sick pay – the difference Sickness benefit is regulated in the Benefits phone number list Act, and sickness pay is calculated according to the rules applicable to sickness benefit. Due to the fact that the method of calculation is the same, the amount of benefits is identical. From the employee's point of view, sickness benefit and sick pay differ only in name and, in some cases, in the institution that pays them.

If the employee is employed in a small company up to insured employees . his salary will be paid by his employer, and his benefit will be paid by ZUS. On the other hand, if he works in a larger company over registered for sickness insurance , both payments will come from the employer. Who is entitled to remuneration or sickness benefits The right to receive sick pay, and if the limit is exceeded, sickness benefit, is granted after days of uninterrupted sickness insurance.