Always related to a specific business activity.. This includes everything from bank transactions to Google searches and comments posted on social networks. In the eyes of any person, it would probably be difficult to find a correlation between information from such diverse sources, but Big Data tools make it possible to find existing connections and, based on them, be able to make the appropriate decisions in order to benefit both the company like its users.
At the business level, it helps to maintain competitiveness, while for citizens it can represent a significant improvement in the quality of the services they receive, both at the level of private companies and public organizations. The most striking moible number data feature of big data is that it facilitates fast and efficient analysis, thanks to its open source software that allows processing very large files. Based on an algorithm that divides the analysis tasks into smaller ones.

It allows them to be carried out at the same time, by different processors. This simultaneity shortens the process significantly and makes it much more agile and effective. In short, Big Data is the technology that allows a reliable, fast and effective data analysis process and enables business managers to have the necessary information in their hands to make the necessary decisions in order to make their business profitable.