After making the list, Keith Flanders recommends making three more lists. purchases that cannot be exempted: products, hygiene items, mandatory payments. In the second everything is strictly prohibited. For an author, for example, it's coffee, books, magazines, and candles. On the third list, you need to include non-essential but important items that you allow yourself to use. To make it easier to quit temptation, Kate recommends limiting the source of temptation.
Unsubscribe from mailing lists with special offers and store coupons, unsubscribe from brand and store pages on social moible number data networks, clear browser bookmarks and delete wish lists. If you don't receive any special deals ahead of Black Friday, you're doing everything right. Open a Savings Account To make the results of the shopping diet more visible, the author recommends opening a separate account and transferring monthly income into it, as well as savings. Resisting the temptation to buy things you don't need.

You can transfer its value into this account and enjoy the accumulated amount at the end of the month. Choose the Best If you can only buy one thing to replace that one that is falling into disrepair, you choose it with extreme care. Kate shares her sweatshirt shopping story. Previously, she would just buy the first one she liked and then another because spontaneous purchases turned out to be uncomfortable. And one more, because the second color is not good. And so on, endlessly. During the experiment, everything changed.