Situation and entrepreneurs are left to fend for themselves. We want to know how to ensure that employees have appropriate working conditions at home such as occupational health and safety. Namely how to ensure the ergonomics of the workplace are met with appropriate chairs and lighting. It is understood that this obligation lies with the employer under applicable regulations. Additionally, employees should consider which devices they use to.
Perform their duties, whether it is personal or whether the device needs last database to be moved from the office to home. There is also uncertainty over the protection of company employee and customer data. Recruitment and Personal Data Protection When seeking of employment law the answers are often ambiguous and inaccurate. Tensions are growing as optimism about an imminent return to offices at the start of the pandemic.
Quickly fades. The situation described raises great expectations that all issues related to the implementation of professional tasks as part of remote working will be specified at the level of a special act. The new provisions of the employer's obligations are in the text of Art. Article 1 of the Special Act determines when remote working is possible. Yes, provided the employee demonstrates appropriate skills confirming that he is able to perform his duties.