Should contain text. Add the following test to verify that the expected error message is displayed Copy Note In this test the function is accessed through a property. This is done purely to eliminate warnings that appear when the variable is not used. Running the end-to-end test should now show a third set of successful tests. Copy the three sets of tests successfully. Verify that the user is directed to the homepage after creating a new account. The tests you have written so far assume that the user is not logged in or cannot log in. is redirected to the home page after successfully creating a new account through the registration form. Adding a new test to your suite.
The first thing you need to do to introd photo editing servies uce and replicate the test is to fill out the registration form with your unique user credentials. This fixture has data specific to this test so you will use these values. Add the following code snippet to fill out the registration form and submit it. At this point the test will fill in the registration form and click on the register button. When this happens the browser should be redirected to the homepage and the user details should be available in local storage under a key named. Add the following to verify that the redirect occurs and that the user data is available in local storage. Replication If everything runs smoothly you should see a fourth set of successful tests. Replication. Four sets of successful tests. Note: Remember the test account you created during testing. Will be cleared after the test is completed.
To verify this try turning on query login and run the test again to see the cleanup query Inquire. Verify that the user is directed to the home page after logging in This final test is similar to the previous test but it assumes that the user account already exists in the database. It will log in instead of creating a new account and verify that the user ends up on the homepage. Because you need to generate a new account and not just a set of unique credentials this test should include fixtures instead of fixtures Copy the set of instructions for this test almost the same as the previous test just don't use the values but instead use the values of the object to populate the login form Copy If you run this set of tests now you should see a fifth set of successful tests Copy a set of five successful tests Why is Playwright There are tons of tools to help you write and run end-to-end tests. Many of these tools are very.