Sending a DMCA CounterNotice Each ISP usually has its own representative who handles DMCA claims. You will be able to contact this representative to file a counternotice. Heres what you should include in your counternotice Signature The content of the violation and its location Declaration of good faith Your contact information Federal District Court Consent Statement What happens if you file a counternotice By filing a counternotice you are telling the web hosting company and the person who filed the original DMCA takedown notice that you dispute the claims against you and want the material reinstated on your site. The web hosting company will forward your counternotice to the person who filed the original DMCA takedown notice. If that person does not object business days the web hosting company will reinstate the material on your website.
If you believe you have not infringed copyright you can file a counternotice. If the party that sent the takedown notice still believes that you have infringed the copyright they have days to file a lawsuit againsc phot editor t you. If no claim is filed the dispute notice is removed as if nothing had happened. CHECK OUT RANKTRACKER ALLINONE PLATFORM FOR EFFECTIVE SEO OPTIMIZATION The foundation of every successful business is a strong SEO campaign. But with the myriad of optimization tools and techniques out there it can be difficult to know where to start. Well fear not because I have just the thing to help you. Introducing Ranktracker an allinone platform for effective SEO optimization. We have finally opened the registration for Ranktracker absolutely free CREATE A FREE ACCOUNT Or Sign in using your credentials After all the image still belongs to them and you have to prove you were right if you want to fight back and these are some of the easiest ways to do it if you want to try.
What happens if content is stolen If you knowingly steal content Google will likely penalize you . This means your website will drop in the search engine rankings and you may even be banned from the search engine results pages. You may be excluded from the advertising network and social media. Your reputation may be damaged. If you are caught stealing content you may be blacklisted by the site. You may be able to claim compensation for the losses caused by the theft by filing a damages claim. Since your answer is a legal document you should remember that any lies can be used against you in court. Links httpswww.copyright.govlegislationdmca.phttpswww.ala.orgadvocacycopyrightPoint Important Checklist for On Page Optimization Mason Yu Mason Yu May min read Point Important Checklist for On Page Optimization Introduction Youve published many pages on your site and youre finally seeing traffic in Google Analytics and daily rank activity in Rank Tracker . But how do you make your messages perform even better The answer is onpage optimization. In this article well give you a checklist that can be used to help your website content rank higher.