Recommended Reading Unleashing Momentum in Your Sales Team Personalizing Familiarity and Motivating Positive Phrases to Use When Giving Feedback Keeping employees motivated and happy plays an important role in team productivity. Unfortunately providing negative feedback can sometimes hinder this, at least temporarily. The two strategies below show how to incorporate positivity into feedback that may not be so positive. Use the Right Introduction to Get Feedback It’s important to keep the discussion positive when giving feedback, even if you touch on areas where the salesperson needs improvement. Some examples of positive phrases to use in employee feedback include We're off to a great start to keep the momentum going You’ve laid a good foundation for solving problems.
Let's see if we can fine-tune your approach next time. Needs work but you did a great job on it I totally get what you're trying to accomplish with this. However I think you will be more effective by pairing any negative feedback with positive feedback as mentioned above One strategy when you have negative feedback for an employee is to always pair it with some positive affirmation. Here are some general performance areas you can mention in your Email Marketing List employee feedback so your employees know you understand what they do well Reliability. If your employee has been reliable in the past you could start your feedback by saying I admire you for meeting deadlines consistently attracting new clients, showing up on time and always being a team member we can count on. This is what our team needs.
But I really want to see you start improving. This affirmation can look like I see you are really making progress in this area and I want to see you apply that progress in another area of people skills. If you can't think of any specific examples then demonstrating an employee's skills in dealing with customers or clients is a very simple way to incorporate compliments into your feedback and keep morale high. Adaptability. If your employees are able to quickly change priorities to take on other roles or take on additional responsibilities when necessary then this should not be overlooked. This kind of positive employee feedback might look like I noticed your flexibility in the role and appreciate the additional role tasks you take on to innovate. Some employees have a knack for coming up with creative ways to improve processes.