Suppose your business accepts bookings, offers quota calculations, or provides customer service via phone. In that case, your number is probably featured on your website, social media profiles, or your Google and Facebook Ads campaigns. With call tracking, each time a person calls you from one of these places, it automatically assigns a given channel as a source. Additionally, when the software is AI-powered, you can gather information about each call’s quality, urgency, or conversion rate. How to set up a call tracking system.
The easiest way to get started with call tracking and test it out without spending a fortune on any fancy tools is to set it up in Google Adwords. In general, there are two ways you can set up trackable phone numbers: DNI-to- call tracking What data can call tracking apps philippines photo editor capture? Depending on the software you are using, most call tracking apps can collect the following information: Day, time, and duration of the call The marketing channel, campaign, specific ad, and even the keyword that drove the call.

The geolocation of the caller Caller’s personal data: phone number and name Call’s status answered, voicemail, on hold Whether the call is repeated or new Whether the call was abandoned and when The caller intent and opportunity information, sales, confirmation The content of the call CX issues Whether the caller converted into a customer Caller’s scoring in relevancy/importance for the business All in all, all the data collected with a call tracking system allow businesses to monitor their marketing efforts more effectively.