Secondly, the Jamstack architecture, as already explained, reduces to a minimum the number of exchanges (calls and responses) and the amount of information transferred between server and client (thus reducing the resources and energy required). As a third and final consideration we also add that the adoption of this approach by developers usually arises from a great attention to performance, therefore to the speed and lightness of the code . This also translates into less use of hardware and energy. For these three factors just mentioned, we can legitimately think that the Jamstack architecture can have competitive management costs compared to traditional solutions .
Even if the players specialized in these hosting services are still very few, it still seems that the pr Bolivia Email List ices offered are absolutely accessible, and many providers also offer a generous free tier, which can be sufficient for many small businesses. Scalability Based on GIT, with static content and microservices, it takes just two clicks and a little more to deploy on one of the various cloud computing services specialized in the Jamstack architecture (Netlify, Vercel, Gatsby Cloud, etc.). And all the effort to fine-tune your content delivery strategy, even for complex applications, is already over here: it can be easily and economically outsourced to one of these specialized providers.
And as the necessary resources grow, with another two clicks you can upgrade to the higher service level. Contraindications: costs The fact that it is a completely custom made solution has obvious advantages but equally evident disadvantages: unlike a WIX site or a WordPress site created with a standard template, it is not in fact a ready-made solution, which works "out of the box" . The Jamstack architecture must be thought of and designed on a case-by-case basis, in terms of customizing services based on specific needs. There are many questions followed by very different answers and technological choices.