Some businesses such as Ralph Lauren, introduced their virtual store on their website, so customers can have a similar real-life virtual experience although shopping online. Generally, every business should think of implementing the E’s; Experiences, Everyplace, . Any brand should have Omni-Channel marketing to be in every place that their customers are visiting and to develop engaging content to entice the customer to learn more about the brand. Prices and promotions are still playing an important role, but customers don’t just look for low prices anymore, as they are looking for overall better values.
It is key that brands ensure that they publish content that represents their brand’s values and mission and always maintain strong munication channels with customers. What customers are looking for is a new or easy experience in your store. Something that captures their Lebanon Phone Number Data attention and makes them want to purchase or e back at a later time.” This can apply to your marketing strategy as well, such as implementing an Experiential Marketing campaign, similar to those seen on YouTube by panies like Pepsi, Nivea and Lipton. The virtual store designed by Ralph Lauren is also a prime example of the implementation of Experiential Marketing for your store

where people will fully engage with a brand’s products and then share their experience with friends and family. Digital Mapping Andre Belisle of JL’s Home Hardware Building Centre, has been a customer of a startup called Spot It before the pandemic for an in-store kiosk solution. “They are a digital mapping pany so when I had to turn off the kiosk to prevent the spread of COVID, they provided a map of my store that could be sent out to shoppers. They then launched a platform that had multiple local stores mapped out, and I jumped at the opportunity to have my store map there as a way to help my shoppers. This online platform allowed shoppers to search for items in my store and see where sales were located.