Discover the periodic table of elements that impact SEO in 2019 Search Engine Land has just published the new 2019 version of its SEO periodic table. Initially created in 2011, this table has been completely revised in terms of classification with the aim of replacing previous versions which focused on elements called “success factors”. What is changing? The 2019 SEO periodic table integrates both “ fundamental elements, as well as those that are the most toxic for an SEO strategy,” indicates Search Engine Land , but also those representing sectors that are still emerging
With this infographic, we offer both long-time Email Data is important to succeed in SEO . » The 29 elements of the table are classified according to 6 distinct groups: content: quality, targeted keywords and various formats (images, videos, etc.) architecture: with great importance for crawl, mobile optimization, site speed HTML: pay particular attention to titles, meta-descriptions, AMP pages (…) trust: being an authority in your field, fostering engagement and nurturing your reputation links: offer quality links, obtain backlinks and optimize anchors users: give importance to the location of visitors, work on the user experience, etc.

Periodic Table SEO 2019 On the right side of the table, Search Engine Land also ranks elements harmful to good SEO and emerging verticals. These include cloaking, hiding keywords, stolen or overly intrusive content. A new periodic table that allows you to improve your SEO Each element relating to SEO is accompanied by a number ranging from -3 to +3.