本帖最後由 jahidur777 於 2024-2-27 17:20 編輯
Suspect that you are dealing with a DeepFake and not an actual recording. Unnatural movements and facial epressions in the video Artificial intelligence and image manipulation are a relatively new combination. Therefore, this technology does not necessarily cope well with comple facial epressions and microepressions such as lip twitches, blinks or head movements. DeepFake technology has even greater problems with reproducing the movements of hands, fingers, etc., which is why videos are most often used in which only the torso and head appear. If you look closely at DeepFaks, you will notice pinpoint blurring on the face or on its edges. Playing the film very slowly, e.g. frame by frame,
may be helpful in noticing them. The free tool watchframebyframe may be helpful here . How will DeepFake change marketingDeepFake technology will undoubtedly influence the world around us. Let us hope, however, that not because it will be used by inappropriate Singapore Mobile Number List people for criminal or even terrorist activities. DeepFake can also do a lot of good, e.g. in the world of internet marketing. For eample, an ad to spread awareness about malaria using an image of David Beckham speaking in nine languages is a fantastic eample of how DeepFake technology can be used for good to increase the reach of an advertising campaign. As you can see, AI in brand communication ,
combined with the translation of content used in your company's marketing, can be successfully used to facilitate the international epansion of your brand by generating videos in which the person featured in them speaks in several languages in his or her natural voice. Another application of technology may be the event or artistic industry. For eample, at the Dali Museum in St. Petersburg, guests are greeted by Salvador Dali himself, whose image was created using DeepFake technology and over , frames from recorded interviews with the painter. Additionally, the figure of the painter is interactive, and the video itself has over , possible .