Reviews, like marketing propositions, must appear realisticand impartial to be considered trustworthy; but what makes an online reviewrelevant to consumers, even before evaluating its hypothetical authenticity?How to Identify a Relevant Online User Review The age of the review: themajority of Quebecers surveyed (36%) say that online reviews must be 1 to 3months old maximum to be taken into account. Just over a quarter of them (27%)think they should be no more than 6 months old. Finally, 16% of respondents saythat reviews should not be more than a year old to be considered relevant. SMEsmust therefore strive to regularly collect reviews to supply their site withthe most recent opinions. Product evaluation: or
service using points or stars is the most important aspectto confirm the relevance of a review. However, that doesn't mean customers onlyexpect to see 5-star reviews. When asked if they would rather buy aproduct/service with 5 5 out of 5 star reviews or a product/service Bulgaria Mobile Number List with 15 4out of 5 star reviews, nearly three in four (73%) respondents preferred aproduct lower rated, but with more reviews. The content of reviews: one in fourQuebec consumers (25%) indicated that customer reviews in text form were acrucial aspect when it came to trusting them. This reveals that many customerswant more detailed information than just a thumbs up or down. Morespecifically, the benefits of a product or service (considered importantinformation by 67% of
participants) are seen as a key element of an online review.Furthermore, 62% of respondents say they want to read personal experiencesregarding the product/service they are considering purchasing. By ensuringreviews include these elements, you can turn them into powerful selling points.However, this requires concerted effort: SMEs can use online or SMS surveytools to solicit feedback from their customer base. Third-party review websitesare also a great way to display reviews with the elements