本帖最後由 JoYnSE33O44 於 2023-12-3 18:55 編輯
The creative design department is responsible for creating content that supports customer purchasing decisions. Start with textual content such as articles and visual content in the form of photos, banners and videos. Subordinate departments prepare materials for marketing activities. We accept the argument that the following areas are understandable to most people and require no further development.
Brand Building Brand managers in the management department of the brand marketing Phone Number List department are responsible for brand positioning and communication between the company and its target groupss vision and strategy. It defines the circumstances in which a brand can and cannot appear. Ensure consistency of communications with planned activities. The sub-department's responsibilities also include customer research. On this basis decisions are made to introduce new features such as offered programs or product groups.

The brand’s communication to the world should be consistent with what the store offers to customers because this consistency ultimately affects business efficiency. Strategic projects are responsible for the company's key projects. Putting the director of strategic projects under the vice president gives him a shortcut to working on opportunities to make faster decisions, often those that might change the status quo. For example, the following area might involve implementing a marketplace as a complement to the store's own offer.