On the other hand, other secondary disciplines
Especially if your online shop is new to the market and the competition has been there for a long time, you may be able to draw some conclusions. But be careful: Just because your competition doesn't do Facebook marketing doesn't mean that it generally isn't worth it. You are only particularly successful when you do things that others have not yet tried. It is important not to look at the competition with the finger raised. Many online marketers in e-commerce make the mistake of always seeing their competitors as the “bad guys” who have more success with unfair methods.Here too, keep an objective mind and compare yourself neutrally with India Car Owner Phone Number List your competitor. #13 Be the friendly greengrocer around the corner Do you know the friendly greengrocer around the corner that you like to buy from because he is so friendly? Even if you think that everything on the Internet would be so anonymous: customers prefer to buy from online shops that they find friendly. Align your marketing accordingly. Be likeable! #14 Think outside the box At first glance, an Instagram account or Facebook profile may not directly help sales.
But anyone who only measures online marketing channels based on their ROI is thinking too short-sightedly. Brand-building measures help enormously in the medium and long term! Brand awareness increases, as does the conversion rate. #15 Leave familiar realms for once It helps immensely to go to events, websites or even conferences that are relatively unfamiliar to you. On the one hand, you get to know so many new, interesting people. or even industries often have a surprising number of points of connection to online marketing.