Phase is reached with accumulated fatigue
The user is a ruthless and wise judge, he talks to the users and simplifies. In this phase, the good programmer tests well what he programs . And when I say good, I mean not letting even one pass, because that bug will come back with more force and costs.Test, correct, test and test until all the tests that have been documented in the user story are completed correctly. If we work in an agile framework with week “sprints”, it is important that the tasks that go to production or prepr Senegal WhatsApp Number oduction are well tested, since from that moment on it will be the end users who must test the application and give feedback. your approval. And every time a user opens an incident we are incurring an increase in costs, and the loss of development speed in the team for future sprints.
Phase Deployment to production Although the deployment itself is not a task of the analystprogrammer, it must be understood that they are critical moments for the entire team. It is normal that this and the desire to overcome this moment as soon as possible. During the days or weeks that production takes place, depending on the size of the project, the team will normally be focused on resolving all the incidents that arise. It is important to maintain the agile framework to avoid falling into anarchy. I